W 6 Feb 20 &22
Introduction: Long Civil Rights Movement & Cold War, Civil Rights
T-Jacquelyn_Dowd_Hall “The_long_civil_rights_movement”
What is historian Jacquelyn Down Hall’s research question? What is the argument of this essay? What is Hall telling us about historical memory? And, according to Hall, what doe political “ New Right” have to do with how we remember civil rights history? What is “color-blind conservativism”? How does she explain the limits of the New Deal? What is the chronology of this “long civil rights”? What about its spatial or regional dimensions?
R- Mary L. Dudiak_”Brown as a ColdWar Case” and Michael Krenn_”Unwelcome Mat: African Diplomats in Washington D.C., during the Kennedy Years”
F-Proposals due by 2:30pm